The fastest way to get started with MacHTTP is to run it, then browse the Read Me file with a WWW client. The "MacHTTP Software" folder contains all the necessary files and is preconfigured so MacHTTP starts up correctly . This guide assumes that MacTCP is already installed correctly on your Mac.
1. Install AppleScript, see the "Installing AppleScript" section below.
2. Double click the MacHTTP application to start it up. MacHTTP requires System 7.
3. Use a WWW client to open the URL "http://your.mac.address/". *see note below
4. Click on the MacHTTP Documentation link and read the instructions.
5. Additional information can be found in the MacHTTP.config file (in the comments), in the tutorials, sample HTML documents, and in the sample AppleScripts.
ABOVE ALL, READ THE "Default.html" FILE!!!!! If you have trouble getting
MacHTTP to run, you may still read this file by using the "Open Local" command
in your Mac WWW client to open the Default.html file directly from your hard
disk (it's inside the "MacHTTP Software & Docs" folder) without going through the
MacHTTP server.
* The suggested way to do this is using a WWW client like Mosaic, MacWeb, or
NetScape. Run the Mac WWW client and use the "Open URL" or "Open Location" menu
command to enter the above URL (without quotes), supplying the full domain name
or IP address of your Mac (or its IP address) in place of "" You
can run your WWW client and MacHTTP on the same Mac if you have at least 2 megs
of memory free, although performance will be substantially slower than running
MacHTTP on a separate Mac.
Installing AppleScript
This is a relatively straight forward process. Simply copy the contents of the "Apple's Scripting System" folder to the appropriate locations within the System folder. Inside the "Apple's Scripting System" folder are two more folders. The CONTENTS of these folders should be copied to your Extensions folder inside your System folder. Do not copy the folder itself to the Extenstions folder. Do not copy the contents of the Power Mac folder if you aren't running MacHTTP on a Power Mac. If you are using a Power Mac, copy the contents of both folders to your Extensions folder. Note that the "Frontmost" extension is optional and not required for MacHTTP to function.
Once you have copied all of the scripting extensions and the Scripting Additions folder to your Extensions folder, you must reboot your Mac.